East Shipping Group provides you with sincere and high-quality services
Ship Services
Ship leasing
Ship trading
Ship agency
Company Introduction
East Shipping Group Holding Limited, established in Hong Kong, is one of the leading ship leasing, trading and shipping agency companies in Greater China and globally. As a leading market participant in the global shipbuilding industry, we provide customized and flexible ship leasing, buying and selling, and shipping agency solutions to meet the diverse needs of customers for ship traders, shipowners, and bulk traders worldwide.






Service Locations



East Shipping Group Holding Limited
East Shipping Group Holding Limited
East Shipping Group Holding Limited
East Shipping Group Holding Limited
East Shipping Group Holding Limited
East Shipping Group Holding Limited
Business Strength

Serving global trade and operating a global network, Eastern Shipping is based on and core industries such as shipping, ship leasing, ship buying and selling, and ship management. Empowered and value-added industries such as shipping finance, value-added services, and digital innovation, it is committed to building a world-class global comprehensive logistics supply chain service ecosystem.

Shipping Industry Cluster

Including container transportation, dry bulk transportation, oil and gas transportation, special vessel transportation and other businesses, we are committed to consolidating and developing our position as the world's largest comprehensive shipping enterprise, ensuring the efficient and smooth flow of the global maritime transportation lifeline, and achieving a historical leap from "global transportation" to "global transportation".

Aviation finance industry cluster

With the vision of "providing leading market products and competitive industrial finance businesses", we aim to create an important "cash flow contribution unit" for the group and a "benefit stabilizer" to suppress the cyclical nature of our main business.

Port Industry Cluster

We are committed to building a customer-oriented and globally leading comprehensive port operator, striving to achieve a transformation from a global operator to a global leader, from a terminal investment operator to a comprehensive port operator, and from extensive growth to leapfrog growth.

Digital Innovation Industry Cluster

Focusing on the development of digital industries and enterprise venture capital platforms. By cultivating and incubating innovative businesses, controlling future technological mainlines, promoting the implementation of internal innovation mechanisms, creating a new industrial ecosystem that combines internal and external factors, and striving to become a new source of income and incubation platform for new businesses of the group.